- Submit an original short film or video that portrays the “Progress Not Perfection” theme.
- Short films and videos have a maximum time limit of 3 (three) minutes including titles and credits.
- Short films and videos exceeding the 3 (three) minute time limit will not be considered.
- You may receive guidance from adults but the film must be written and directed by an LIA student(s).
- Adults are welcome to participate as actors.
What to Film:
Drama, Suspense, Action, Comedy, Spoof, Music Video – any category that you can think of!
We recommend viewing the following samples of past winning entries:
On the application form, only one person will be able to submit as the Main Creator. A co-creator or additional contributors can be added for recognition on the application form. If you are chosen as a winner, any prizes received will only be awarded to the Main Creator.
- Upload your UNLISTED short film or video to your YouTube account.
- Share the link to your unlisted video when you submit your application.
- Have a friend or teacher double check that your link works! LIA is not responsible for submissions that cannot be viewed.
- If you’re not sure how to upload an Unlisted YouTube Video, ask a friend or check out How to Upload an Unlisted Youtube Video or ¿Cómo Subir un Video No Listado a YouTube? for additional help.
Judging Criteria:
- Inclusion of the “Progress Not Perfection” theme.
- Quality of the production, including editing and audio.
- Originality and storytelling.
- Overall impression of the short film video.
- Overall adherence to the competition requirements.